Friday 26 August 2016

You Should Never Reheat These 7 Food Items!

There are certain cuisines which we like to eat over and over again. So when our favourite dish is made at our home, we always try that we eat the same dish three times a day. And so we often end up reheating the food items over and over again. But there are some food items which grow toxic when heated again.

1. Potato
Once the cooked potato cools down, the bacteria which causes botulism flourishes in it. This disease is seriously dreadful for our health. When you re-heat the potatoes, the bacteria flourishes. So if you really do care for your health, do not heat potato more than twice.

2. Spinach
Spinach is undoubtedly beneficial for our health. It is one such veggie which is loaded with goodness. But apart from this, it is also loaded with nitrates. These nitrates, when heated, are converted into toxic substances.

3. Beetroot
Beetroot helps in blood production mechanism of our body. But just like spinach, beetroot is also rich in nitrates, which turn poisonous when heated.

4. Chicken
Chicken is nourished with a high amount of proteins. But once again, the proteins gets difficult to be digested when heated again.

For more detail visit: MenzMag

Thursday 14 May 2015

Top 10 Diet Tips for Men

No doubt, healthy activities keep us active and smart and science also proves that exercise plays a paramount role in order to make men healthier. Certainly, it has also been seen that men do go for doctor less than women and whenever they visits to physician, they do find a serious problems. Porche (an expert of man physique) says that men's from all over the world thinks that they cannot consider their health seriously when they do busy in their works and this think leads to failure in their health.

1. Cardiovascular Disease:

Heart disease has been one of the most dangerous causes of death throughout the world in both genders (men and women). Cholesterol plays a major part here which does block the arteries in the heart and brain, in this way unstable plaque give assistance in order to make blood clot forms and causing a heart attack.

2. Lung Cancer:

It's a horrific, aggressive, ugly and one of the most drastic illness which is affecting men. Surely, it is often advanced and much difficult to cure and affects badly to human health. Mostly 90% of all lung cancer is associated with Tobacco smoke.

For continue reading mens health problems

Tuesday 12 May 2015

9 Major Health Problems with Men

No doubt, healthy activities keep us active and smart and science also proves that exercise plays a paramount role in order to make men healthier. Certainly, it has also been seen that men's health do go for doctor less than women and whenever they visits to physician, they do find a serious problems.

Porche (an expert of man physique) says that men's from all over the world thinks that they cannot consider their health seriously when they do busy in their works and this think leads to failure in their health.

1. Cardiovascular Disease:

Heart disease has been one of the most dangerous causes of death throughout the world in both genders (men and women). Cholesterol plays a major part here which does block the arteries in the heart and brain, in this way unstable plaque give assistance in order to make blood clot forms and causing a heart attack.

For 8 More Major Health Problems Hit the link: Health Problems with Men

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Fat Burning Meal Plan for Men

Find out what plan is suggested to you to burn your fat in order to lose weight. Make a schedule by adding fat burning foods and stick to it to burn fat and lose weight.   
Do you want to lose weight and already involved in many dietary plans? Are your diet plans really working? Nowadays, fat burning meal and deprivation are synonymous. I have planned a fat burning meal for you to find the results you are craving for. With the right plan, you can get lean body in less time. You will feel better, energetic and there will improvement in long term health perspectives. Follow healthy eating guidelines for burning fat and maximize weight loss. 
You must eat five meals a day. It has been revealed by latest studies that people who eat four or five meals a day have half risk of become over weight compared to those who eat 3 times a day. A study by American Journal of Epidemiology has suggested that eating healthy diet five times a day is a key to avoid dieting. Make sure to add fresh and clean foods which are unprocessed as possible.

Add protein in your diet daily. Daily eat one gram of protein per pound of body weight. Go for high quality protein intake like egg whites, lean meat, poultry and protein supplements.

Include low carbohydrate foods in your diet. When you intake low carbohydrate foods, it is converted into energy by body. If carbohydrate intake will be less, body will rely on stored fat which will result in reducing fat. The low carbohydrate food also produces compounds like keystone that create a feeling of being well and help you to stick to this diet. Low carbohydrate diet is ideal choice in burning fat.

Eating homemade foods should be part of your fat burning meal. Strictly keep away from junk food. In trying to shed fat, add oatmeal, egg whites and green veggies in your diet. Egg whites are pure protein and free of any fat and cholesterol. Egg whites are easy to prepare and takes few minutes. Make your breakfast healthy by eating cooked egg whites with whole grain and some fruit also. Never skip breakfast.  

Oatmeal is high in fiber, low in sugar and source of energy. Go for packet of oatmeal, add in hot water, stir and eat. Make sure that oatmeal is in plain flavor only. In mid day meal, make sure to drink protein shake.     
Green vegetables are enriched in fibers which are helpful in improvement of digestion.  Green leafy veggies contain valuable vitamins, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Eat lean protein, green veggies and whole grains in dinner.

Drink plenty of water to keep body hydrated and fresh. There is no alternate of water. Drink at least one gallon of water per day to stay healthy. In a study, participants burned about 50 additional calories per day by drinking 1.5 liters of water.

Make s schedule to have four to five meals in a day by adding healthy food items in your diet. Strictly stick to planned schedule and shed weight as early as possible by eating fat burning diet.  According to experts, weigh loss plan for men would never be completed until it also involves exercise. So it is necessary to develop an exercise habit daily along with diet plan.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Men's Health And Fitness Tips

Looking for tips for fitness, are you? Here, you will find some valuable tips that will keep you fit and healthy. Check out the powerful secrets that are especially compiled for men so that they can lose fat, build muscles, maintain healthy eating habits and most importantly enhance their strength. Feel huge difference in your life by following these tips.
Keep your body in shape by acting upon precious health and fitness tips. Tips are essential in life of every person as valuable tips make a person confident. Men put a lot of effort to keep themselves healthy and fit. They try workout in gym, put consistent effort, diet and do many more things for healthy body but sometimes fail to reach the desired goal. Why is this so? May be they are missing out on some of the valuable tips?

Health tips are powerful secrets for healthy body and mind. Find out what are the precocious gems to feel huge difference in your life after following insightful health and fitness tips. These tips assist you in losing fat, building muscles, enhance your strength and maintain healthy eating habits.

1. For openers, balanced diet is the backbone for men’s health and fitness. The goal of physical strength and fitness would never be achieved without healthy nutrition. Food is a fuel that gives body strength to cope up with all circumstances in life. For health and fitness, add organic foods in daily diet. Maintain the habit of eating balanced diet comprising of fresh fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates, fats and most important proteins.

2. The other secret behind health is to eat more. Eat five times a day rather than just three times. Eat about every three hours to boost metabolism which means two extra meals between three basic meals per day. Never skip any meal or not eat bad foods. It will destroy your planning for fit body. However, keep the intake balanced.

3. For muscle building, it is essential to maximize the complete protein and calorie intake. Enter in any gym and start workout with the assistance of trainer and lift weights on average around four times a week. Don’t forget to take rest. Do remember that rest is the key to building muscles. Muscle tissues grow when you recover workout and are in the state of rest. When you sleep, you are in relaxing mode and in this mode your muscle tissues grow. You can also go with muscle growing supplements. Many supplements play role in boosting muscle tissues.

4. Sit ups are another way to keep body in shape. Sit ups enhance your motion range. Make sure to avoid sit ups with anchored feet because the sit ups in this condition can hurt your lower back.

5. Control intake of carbohydrates because they can store fat in your body. Taking exercise for more than twenty minutes at a time helps you in burning fat.

6. Consume vitamins, minerals, fibers and water. These all are necessary nutrients that help your body stay hydrated. According to trainers and experts iced cold water should be the first thing in the morning. It will naturally stimulate your metabolism for 90 minutes by up to 24%. Drink at least one gallon of water in a day and stay fresh and healthy.  

7. If you want to be healthy and fit, you have to set goals and then stick to them for desired results. Make a strategy and then stick to it. If you distract your plan, you cannot accomplish your goal. Motivate yourself to achieve your goal.